Information about On-Board Units
In order to use the toll road network covered by the BelToll system, you need to equip your vehicle (not applicable for vehicles with a MLW of not more than 3.5 tonnes) with a small electronic payment device, alternatively referred to as an On-Board Unit (OBU). Once the vehicle is equipped with an OBU, the driver does not need to slow down or select a specific lane when driving through toll stations.
The gantries of the toll stations installed above the roadway are equipped with special transceivers. The OBU enables the toll system to clearly identify a vehicle and to store and process the received vehicle information electronically.
When a vehicle equipped with an OBU passes underneath a toll gantry, the OBU exchanges data with the gantry transceivers. The completion of toll transaction is confirmed with a sound signal.

You can receive an OBU after you register the vehicle in the BelToll system and pay the security deposit in an amount of 50 EUR. The deposit shall be paid in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the day of payment.
The OBU is easily installed on the inside of the windscreen. You will find detailed information on OBU installation in the User Manual that is provided with the OBU. Vehicles with a fully metallized windscreen shall be equipped with a two-part OBU with an external module.
How to check if your windscreen is metallized or not. Video instruction.
Before entering a toll road section, make sure that the OBU is in good working order by checking it in accordance with the User Manual, and also keep track of its signals when driving under toll collection stations.
The OBU is powered by a built-in battery and does not need to be connected to an external power source.
Attention! Each OBU is personalized for a specific vehicle and cannot be used on a vehicle with a different license plate number (LPN).
In the event that the LPN of the vehicle is changed, further usage of toll roads with the previously received OBU, which is not personalized for the new LPN, is classified as a violation. In this case you need to receive a new OBU that is personalized for the new LPN at the nearest Customer Service Point before entering a toll road.
When registering in the BelToll system, the owner of a vehicle that has two license plates in the technical passport shall decide which LPN the OBU shall be personalized for (or both). In particular, this rule applies to taxi vehicles, which have a special TAX series yellow license plate in addition to the standard license plate with a white background. The OBU installed in the vehicle shall be personalized for the LPN, which is actually used while travelling along the toll roads. In case both LPNs are used while driving along toll roads, you need to obtain two OBUs and to make sure that the OBU installed on the windscreen matches the LPN which is actually used at the moment, each time before entering a toll road.
Attention! If the vehicle has an OBU, which is personalized for a license plate that is not installed on the vehicle at the movement, it shall be transported in a metallized bag only!
To avoid confusion, OBUs intended for operation in the BelToll system are marked with the BY sign.
Types of On-Board Units
First Type
Owners of vehicles with a MLW exceeding 3.5 tonnes receive an OBU-4021 or OBU-4040 type OBU

OBU-4021 delivery package includes:
- an OBU-4021 type OBU;
- a User Manual;
- an adhesive label with brief instructions to be applied to the front face of the OBU;
- a tissue for cleaning the vehicle windscreen prior to OBU installation;
- self-adhesive strips for securing the OBU on the windscreen;
Video manual for on-board device OBU-4021:

OBU-4040 delivery package includes:
- an OBU-4040 type OBU;
- a windscreen mounting bracket;
- a windscreen cleaning tissue;
- a User Manual.
Video manual for on-board device OBU-4040:
Second type
The owners of vehicles with a maximum laden weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes with a fully metallized windscreen receive a two-piece OBU with an external module

The OBU delivery package includes:
- an external module of OBU-4042 type OBU to be mounted on the outside of the windscreen;
- an internal module of OBU-4041 type OBU to be mounted on the inside of the windscreen;
- windscreen mounting bracket for the external module;
- adhesive tape for external module;
- adhesive tape for internal module;
- a tissue for cleaning the vehicle windscreen prior to OBU installation;
- a security sticker;
- an Installation Instruction;
- a User Manual;
The installation and operation of the two-piece OBU shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Installation Instruction and User Manual!
Before entering a toll road, make sure that the correct number of vehicle axles is configured in the OBU.
Video manual for on-board device OBU-TWIN 4041/4042:
How to Receive an On-Board Unit
Before using the toll road network, you need to obtain an OBU. To do so, you need to register the vehicle in the BelToll system. Registration is performed at a Customer Service Point. Some fleet card operators also provide their customers with registration services.
The following fleet cards are accepted in the BelToll system:
The vehicle owner shall sign a contract for the use of toll roads and provide a set of required documents.
Registration in the system is free of charge, however, in order to receive an OBU, you need to pay a security deposit
The amount of security deposit (in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus No. 16 dated June 7, 2013) is EUR 50.
The deposit shall be paid in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the day of payment.
The security deposit for the OBU will be refunded to you when you return your OBU at a Customer Service Point, except for cases provided for by law.
When receiving an OBU under a prepaid contract, you need to top up the OBU account balance:
- the minimum pre-payment amount is EUR 25;
- the maximum amount of pre-payment balance is EUR 350
(in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus No. 22 dated June 17, 2013).
How to Return an On-Board Unit
If you no longer need the OBU, you can return it at a Customer Service Point, after which you will be refunded the unused prepaid balance, unless the device is returned after three years have passed since the last transaction registered in the BelToll system, and the security deposit will also be refunded, except for the following cases:
- the returned OBU has been blocked;
- the OBU is returned after three years have passed since the last transaction registered in the BelToll system;
- the returned OBU has mechanical damage (including, but not limited to, caused by opening, marking, painting, damage to the barcode or the identification number).
Installation of the On-Board Unit
The OBU delivery package includes a User Manual in 4 languages (Russian, Belarusian, English and Polish) with a description of the installation procedure. The installation procedure for a two-piece OBU is described in the Installation Instruction included in the delivery.
Attention! Every time you top up your OBU account under a prepaid contract, make sure that the correct number of vehicle axles is configured in the OBU (the actual number of axles, including trailers and semi-trailers).
Loss or Theft of the On-Board Unit
In case your OBU is lost or stolen, immediately report it by calling the Infoline of the BelToll system, or go to the nearest Customer Service Point.
When doing so, please provide the following information:
- last name, first name, patronymic (if any) or company name of the owner (user) of the vehicle;
- license plate number of the vehicle;
- number of the contract for the use of toll roads.
The OBU will be immediately locked to avoid its further use.
You can get a new OBU to replace the lost/stolen one, provided that you pay a security deposit for the new device. The deposit for the lost or stolen OBU will not be refunded.
List of Blocked On-Board Units
In accordance with Clause 37 of the Regulation "On the Procedure of Toll Collection for the Passage of Vehicles on Toll Roads of the Republic of Belarus", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 340 dated April 30, 2013, the operator of the BelToll system has the right to recall an OBU for subsequent replacement by posting the relevant information on the official website.
Such OBUs shall be returned to the Customer Service Point within 14 calendar days. In the event that the OBU is not returned within the specified period, it will be blocked.
In this case, you will lose the right to a refund of the security deposit. Blocked OBUs can no longer be used for the payment of road toll. When a vehicle equipped with a blocked OBU travels on a toll road, corresponding violations will be registered, and information about them will be transmitted to Transport Inspectorate.