Submission of Claims
Electronic claim
To submit an electronic claim, you need to authorize by filling in all of the necessary fields:
- E-mail;
- Verification code (symbols on the page).
As soon as the Authorization Success message is displayed, a link to fill out the claim form will be sent to the address you specified. It may take up to 5 minutes to deliver the link to your email.
Submit a claimAlso, claims can be submitted in person to Transport Inspectorate State Institution and at BelToll Customer Service Points.
Submitting complaints by mail
According to Clause 69 of the Regulation "On the Procedure of Toll Collection for the Passage of Vehicles on Toll Roads of the Republic of Belarus", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 340 dated April 30, 2013, all disputes and discrepancies connected with the use of toll roads, charging and collection of the toll, including automatic single toll tariff payment and increased rate payments, shall be resolved through the submission of claims.
Pursuant to Clauses 76-78 of the Regulation, claims connected with charging and collection of increased rate payments shall be submitted to Transport Inspectorate of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus (220088, Minsk, ul. Smolenskaya 15-717) by mail with.
When filling out a claim form, the following information shall be provided (EXAMPLE):

Please, be advised that when submitting claims connected with charging and collection of increased rate payments, the following documents shall be provided:
- A Violation Protocol executed in connection with a violation of toll payment procedure (drawn up and issued (sent) by an authorized official of Transport Inspectorate);
- Appendix to the Violation Protocol;
- Document confirming that the increased rate payment was made (if available).
Pursuant to Clauses 70, 74-75 of the Regulation, claims connected with charging and collection of tolls, including automatic single toll tariff payment, shall be submitted to Belavtostrada State Institution (220073, Minsk, 4th Zagorodny Pereulok 58a).
The claims shall be submitted in Belarusian or Russian. Written responses to claims shall be executed in the language of the appeal (claim).
For prompt receipt and review of claims connected with the use of toll roads, charging and collection of tolls, including single toll tariff payment and increased rate payments, a working group was organized, consisting of representatives of State Institution “Transport Inspectorate of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus”, Belavtostrada State Institution and FLLC Kapsch Telematic Services.
In addition to sending by post, claims can be submitted in person at the following address:
- Minsk, ul. Briketa 25 Working hours: 24/7