SMS balance request
SMS balance request is a convenient way to check the balance of your on-board unit from your mobile phone available for prepayment contracts.
How to check your balance using SMS?
SMS information is available for all the conratcts serviced in prepayment mode.*
To check the balance, please send an SMS of the following type to the number +375 29 222 07 07
BELTOLL#User ID#Contract ID
The cost of a sent SMS request equals the cost of an SMS message according to your tariff plan with the mobile operator.
As soon as the SMS request is sent, the user receives a response in the following format:
Справочный баланс/Balance: ХХХХХХХ=ХХХ.ХХBYN_XX:XX:XX
Where ХХХХХХХ is the number of the contract indicated in the request, ХХХ.ХХBYN is the amount of the balance provided for reference, XX:XX:XX is time when the indicated amount was on the balance.
Other formats of responses are possible in some cases:
1. If there is a mistake in the text of the SMS request (absence of the hash symbol (#), missing or extra symbol), or if the User ID and/or Contract ID information entered is not accurate, the user receives a response in the following format:
Неверные данные/Incorrect data +375172798798**
2. If the service is unavailable due to maintenance, etc., the user receives a response message in the following format:
Сервис недоступен/Out of service +375172798798**
*SMS balance request is available if you use services of a mobile operator from the List of Countries, bserve conditions for provision of telecommunication services established by your operator, and in case of absence of unforeseen technical difficulties.
**BelToll Infoline number